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Book 'Water lilies and Bory Latour-Marliac'-english
  • Book 'Water lilies and Bory Latour-Marliac'-english
  • Book 'Water lilies and Bory Latour-Marliac'-english
  • Book 'Water lilies and Bory Latour-Marliac'-english

Book 'Water lilies and Bory Latour-Marliac'- English version

22,72 € 

Available since 2015, a complete and detailed history of Latour-Marliac, his nursery and legacy:

'Water lilies and Bory Latour-Marliac, the Genius behind Monet's Water Lilies'

Caroline Holmes writer and international garden historian.

Discount of 40% and free shipping for orders placed before December 31st 2023. Place your order before the end of the day Dec 15 to receive the book by December 21.


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"Monet's water lilies have a story to tell, one that culminates in Belle époque France, but which began in antiquity... Water lilies are inextricably linked to the ancient cultures of Greece and Rome, Egypt and the Far East, in which they were highly valued for their medicinal, spiritual and aesthetic qualities. (...)

This volume records our enduring loveaffair with this most beautiful and exotic of plants up to the present day. It is most of all a comprehensive account of how, during th 19th century, the hardy white water lily varieties native to Europe and North America were transformed into the colourful waterlilies we know today. This was a task undertaken with gusto, passion and devotion by Latour-Marliac (1830-1911). Long before Mendel's genetic wor was known, Bory engineered daring water lily couplings with consummate skill, meticulous care and acute observation. (...)

The words Monet and water lilies are an immediate association. Not only did Monet's plants at Giverny come from Latour-Marliac's nursery, but it is highly likely that Latour-Marliac's colourful créations inspired Monet to build the pond that he would paint more than 200 times.

Caroline Holmes has navigated primary sources, delved the depths and brought eminently readable light to history, science, networking and sheer pleasure of Latour-Marliac and his legacy."

Available in french

All rights reserved

Pete Evans Photographs

Garden Art Press Editions

206 pages


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